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RabbitMQ How to Enable Management Plugin with GUI

For some people, one of the first things you might think of when setting up RabbitMQ is how to manage it with GUI. You might also be wondering about an HTTP API if you are planning to automate things. You can have both of these things if you enable the management plugin. It comes built in and only needs to be enabled.

To enable the RabbitMQ management plugin use the following command:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

The rabbitmq-plugins command should be on your path. If not it should be located in the same directory as the rabbitmqctl command.

You shouldn’t need to restart the broker after enabling this. It should just work. You should be able to access the web GUI using a URL similar to the following:

Replace the IP with whatever IP or hostname you are running the server on.

How to install the rabbitmqadmin command

Installing the rabbitmqadmin is easy. You can just download it from the management UI. The URL will look similar to the following:

On Linux ( and probably OSX ) you can use a single command to pull it down from a terminal. Just make sure you download it into a directory that is on your path or copy it into one of these directories. In my case I just placed it into the same directory that contains my other RabbitMQ binaries. You can use the wget command like this:


The rabbitmqadmin command is a Python script that basically calls the HTTP API. You can call it from a script or just access the HTTP API directly.
