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Pentaho Bi

Pentaho Bi is or includes an open source OLAP tool.

Pentaho has apparently merged with Hitachi. You can find info on Pentaho Bi Here. Apparently Lumada DataOps Suite has been built with Pentaho.

If you click on the correct series of links it will eventually lead you to a download link for the community version of the product on Sourceforge HERE.

Pentaho BI - Setup / Installation:

We are assuming that you are running Linux but it will be similar on other platforms.

Unpack the downloaded file


We didn’t find these files but you are supposed to chmod this file to make it executable:

chmod a+x ./pentaho-business-analytics-9.2.0-x64.bin

Then run this if you have a graphical desktop:


Or run this if you are on a text based system ( probably a server instead of a Linux desktop ):

./pentaho-business-analytics-9.2.0-x64.bin --mode text

If you don’t have GTK but want to use a graphical install, use this:

./pentaho-business-analytics-9.2.0-x64.bin --mode xwindow

After this just select “next”, “next”, “next”.