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Linux Command - more

The linux command more will allow you to display and page through a file. It is recommended to use the newer, better command ‘less’ instead.

Commands used within more:

( preceed commands with a number to chagne k value )

space scroll down one page ( ‘screen size’ lines )
enter scroll down one line
d scroll down k lines ( ‘scroll size’ 11 )
s skip forward k lines ( 1 default )
f sip forward k screens( 1 default )
b sip backward k screens( 1 default ) ( not with pipes )
q exit
h help
= show current line number
/pattern search
n next search match
. go to start of last search

Page through a file.

more /var/log/dpkg.log

Only scroll 5 lines at a time when paging ( screen size ):

more -n 5 /var/log/dpkg.log
more -5 /var/log/dpkg.log      # same but shorter syntax

Clear screen every time ( don’t scroll ):

more -p /var/log/dpkg.log   

Clear screen every time and page 5 lines at a time:

more -p -n 5 /var/log/dpkg.log

Start at this line number:

more +2 /var/log/dpkg.log      # same but shorter syntax

Using a pipe:

ps -ef | more

-d suppress sound when invalid key is pressed
-p don’t scroll, clear screen and display next page
-c don’t scroll, clear screen and display next page