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Linux How To Install Rpm

RPM is the package format used on Red Hat based systems. This includes RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, and others.

How to Install or Update an RPM Package - Red Hat

You can directly install an RPM package with the RPM tool. This can be useful if you only have an RPM file and it doesn’t exist in the repository. If the file does exist in the repo then you should probably use that. The rpm command won’t resolve dependencies for you. The yum and dnf commands will pull from the repo and resolve dependencies for you. You should consider using those if it is an option.

-v verbose
-h show hash marks for progress
-i install
-u update

You can install an RPM package like this:

rpm -Uvh httpd-2.0.46-32.ent.3.i386.rpm

You can update an RPM package like this:

rpm -Uvh httpd-2.0.46-32.ent.3.i386.rpm

How to Install RPM Packages on Ubuntu

Don’t do this. You really shouldn’t do this but we are going to show you how anyway. You should first check if the package you want is available in the Ubuntu repos first. If it is, you should install it from there since this will be designed to work with your system without causing a conflict. You might need to add a third party repository but that is still preferable. You really should be using deb packages with the apt command or at the very least the dpkg command.

Add the universe repository and update:

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update 

Install the alien tool:

sudo apt install alien

Convert the RPM to a .deb package:

sudo alien myPackage.rpm

Install it using the dpkg tool:

sudo dpkg -i myPackage.deb

You could also attempt to install the rpm directly instead of converting it like this:

sudo alien -i myPackage.rpm