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How to Find Apache Version

Finding the version of Apache is easy. We are going to show you how to do this on both Linux and Windows.

How to Find Apache Version on Linux

On Debian based systems ( like Ubuntu ) you can use this command:

apache2 -v

On Red Hat based systems (RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Rocky) you can use this command:

httpd -v

Without Access to the Host

If you don’t have access to the host that Apache is running on you may still be able to find the version ( unless this has been disabled ). Just substitute your server hostname or IP address.

curl --head

Find Apache Version From PHP Code

You can find the version using the following simple PHP code snippet:

<?php phpinfo() ?>

How to Find Apache Version Windows

On Windows you might use the following command from CMD:

"c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe" -v

How to Find Apache Version cPanel

Goto “General Information” and then “Server Information”. You should see the version of Apache listed here along with other software.