Low Orbit Flux Logo 2 F

Traditional SysV Daemons

Steps to Daemonize

Daemon Written in Bash

Someone else’s code:


# This part is for fun, if you consider shell scripts fun- and I do.
trap process_USR1 SIGUSR1

process_USR1() {
    echo 'Got signal USR1'
    echo 'Did you notice that the signal was acted upon only after the sleep was done'
    echo 'in the while loop? Interesting, yes? Yes.'
    exit 0
# End of fun. Now on to the business end of things.

print_debug() {
    whatiam="$1"; tty="$2"
    [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && {
        echo "" >$tty
        echo "$whatiam, PID $$" >$tty
        ps -o pid,sess,pgid -p $$ >$tty
        tty >$tty

me_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
me_FILE=$(basename $0)
cd /

#### CHILD HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------->
if [ "$1" = "child" ] ; then   # 2. We are the child. We need to fork again.
    shift; tty="$1"; shift
    $DEBUG && print_debug "*** CHILD, NEW SESSION, NEW PGID" "$tty"
    umask 0
    $me_DIR/$me_FILE XXrefork_daemonXX "$tty" "$@" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
    $DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && echo "CHILD OUT" >$tty
    exit 0

##### ENTRY POINT HERE -------------------------------------------------------------->
if [ "$1" != "XXrefork_daemonXX" ] ; then # 1. This is where the original call starts.
    $DEBUG && print_debug "*** PARENT" "$tty"
    setsid $me_DIR/$me_FILE child "$tty" "$@" &
    $DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && echo "PARENT OUT" >$tty
    exit 0

##### RUNS AFTER CHILD FORKS (actually, on Linux, clone()s. See strace -------------->
                               # 3. We have been reforked. Go to work.
exec >/tmp/outfile
exec 2>/tmp/errfile
exec 0</dev/null

shift; tty="$1"; shift

$DEBUG && print_debug "*** DAEMON" "$tty"
                               # The real stuff goes here. To exit, see fun (above)
$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]]  && echo NOT A REAL DAEMON. NOT RUNNING WHILE LOOP. >$tty

$DEBUG || {
while true; do
    echo "Change this loop, so this silly no-op goes away." >/dev/null
    echo "Do something useful with your life, young padawan." >/dev/null
    sleep 10

$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && sleep 3 && echo "DAEMON OUT" >$tty

exit # This may never run. Why is it here then? It's pretty.
     # Kind of like, "The End" at the end of a movie that you
     # already know is over. It's always nice.

Daemon Written in C

Someone else’s code:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

static void skeleton_daemon()
    pid_t pid;

    /* Fork off the parent process */
    pid = fork();

    /* An error occurred */
    if (pid < 0)

     /* Success: Let the parent terminate */
    if (pid > 0)

    /* On success: The child process becomes session leader */
    if (setsid() < 0)

    /* Catch, ignore and handle signals */
    /*TODO: Implement a working signal handler */
    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
    signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

    /* Fork off for the second time*/
    pid = fork();

    /* An error occurred */
    if (pid < 0)

    /* Success: Let the parent terminate */
    if (pid > 0)

    /* Set new file permissions */

    /* Change the working directory to the root directory */
    /* or another appropriated directory */

    /* Close all open file descriptors */
    int x;
    for (x = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); x>=0; x--)
        close (x);

    /* Open the log file */
    openlog ("firstdaemon", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
int main()

    while (1)
        //TODO: Insert daemon code here.
        syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "First daemon started.");
        sleep (20);

    syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "First daemon terminated.");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


## Other Tools

* BSD daemon() function not recommended because it doesn't implement everything needed

Another daemonize tool exists, still need to look into this:

sudo apt install daemonize

daemonize ....

## Quick Adhoc

This will run in the background, disconnect from terminal, close stdin, and redirect output.  It is not a real daemon though.

nohup ./myscript 0<&- &> my.admin.log.file &

## Reference

* [nice document](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/daemon.html)
* [GitHub C Daemon](https://github.com/pasce/daemon-skeleton-linux-c)