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Java - How to Create an Executable Jar File

Java How to Create an Executable Jar File

We’re going to show you how to create an executable jar file and how to run it.

Quick Answer - These are the commands you are looking for:

javac HelloWorld.java
jar cfe HelloWorld.jar HelloWorld HelloWorld.class
java -jar HelloWorld.jar

The above commands use this source file:

class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }

Keep reading for more details. Note that the source file below is a bit different.

Creating a Jar File

Jar command parameters:

c create
f file
t list
e entry point
m manifest

First, create the project directory:

mkdir -p com/test/HelloWorld

Next, create a source file for the test program.

package com.test.HelloWorld; class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }

Compile the source file:

javac com/test/HelloWorld/*.java

Build a jar file (non-executable):

jar cf HelloWorld.jar com/test/HelloWorld/*.class

Show the files inside a jar file with the following:

jar tf HelloWorld.jar

Build an executable Jar file. To do this you can explicitly specify the entry point like this:

jar cfe HelloWorld.jar com.test.HelloWorld.HelloWorld com/test/HelloWorld/*.class

You can also specify the entry point by passing a custom manifest file. Doing this will add whatever you specify in the file to the manifest in your jar. The manifest addition will look like this:

Main-Class: com.test.HelloWorld.HelloWorld

The manifest needs a newline at the end or it will be excluded silently.

You can specify your custom manifest addition like this:

jar cfm HelloWorld.jar com/test/HelloWorld/hello_world_manifest.txt com/test/HelloWorld/*.class

Running / Executing a Jar File

This will work if the main class was specified in the manifest.

java -jar HelloWorld.jar

We can also just run the main class directly if we specify that the jar should be on the class path using the “-cp” flags. This should work if we didn’t specify the main class in the manifest.

java -cp HelloWorld.jar:com/test/HelloWorld com.test.HelloWorld.HelloWorld

Updating a Jar File

You can update the contents of a jar file like this:

jar uf HelloWorld.jar com/test/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.class

Video - Java - How to Create an Executable Jar File