Low Orbit Flux Logo 2 F

Linux - Limits and Quotas


ulimit -a  # show all limits
ulimit -n  # Check max open file descriptors
ulimit -u  # Check max user processes
ulimit -m  # Check max memory usage (if supported)

ulimit -n 1048576    # set max open file descriptors ( only this session )
ulimit -u 65535      # set max user processes (  only this session )

ulimit -c unlimited  # enable core dumps

ulimit -Sn           # Max open files
ulimit -Su           # Max user processes
ulimit -Sn 1048576   # Set soft limit for open files

ulimit -Hn           # Max open files
ulimit -Hu           # Max user processes
ulimit -Hn 1048576   # Set max open files to 1,048,576

Option Description Example
-n Max open file descriptors ulimit -n 1048576
-u Max user processes ulimit -u 65535
-m Max memory (KB) ulimit -m unlimited
-v Max virtual memory (KB) ulimit -v unlimited
-s Stack size (KB) ulimit -s 8192
-c Core dump size (KB) ulimit -c unlimited
-t Max CPU time (seconds) ulimit -t 600
-f Max file size (KB) ulimit -f unlimited

PAM needs to be configured to enforce limits from limits.conf:

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session

session required pam_limits.so

Per user:

/etc/security/limits.conf           # For Individual Users, all login sessions

user1 hard nofile 1048576
user1 soft nofile 1048576
user1 hard nproc 65535
user1 soft nproc 65535

/etc/security/limits.d/custom.conf  # keep separate for system wide

*    hard  nofile  1048576
*    soft  nofile  1048576
*    hard  nproc   65535
*    soft  nproc   65535

Big example:

# ๐Ÿ”น Apply limits to ALL users
*       soft    nofile          1048576   # Default max open files
*       hard    nofile          1048576   # Max open files (cannot exceed this)
*       soft    nproc           65535     # Default max user processes
*       hard    nproc           65535     # Max user processes

# ๐Ÿ”น Apply limits to a specific user (e.g., trader)
trader  soft    nofile          2097152   # Increase open files for trading apps
trader  hard    nofile          2097152
trader  soft    nproc           131072    # Allow more processes
trader  hard    nproc           131072

# ๐Ÿ”น Apply limits to a group (e.g., developers)
@developers  soft    memlock    unlimited  # Allow unlimited memory lock (for real-time apps)
@developers  hard    memlock    unlimited
@developers  soft    stack      8388608   # Increase stack size
@developers  hard    stack      8388608

# ๐Ÿ”น Specific Limits for SSH Sessions
*       soft    maxlogins       5         # Max SSH logins per user
*       hard    maxlogins       10

# ๐Ÿ”น Prevent "fork bombs" (limits max user processes)
*       soft    nproc           50000
*       hard    nproc           100000

# ๐Ÿ”น Limit core dump size (useful for security)
*       soft    core            0
*       hard    core            0

# ๐Ÿ”น Limit CPU time (in minutes)
*       soft    cpu             1440     # 24 hours max CPU usage
*       hard    cpu             2880     # 48 hours max CPU usage

# ๐Ÿ”น Restrict max file size (prevent large file dumps)
*       soft    fsize           104857600  # 100MB max file size
*       hard    fsize           209715200  # 200MB max file size

# ๐Ÿ”น Restrict locked memory for all users except root
*       soft    memlock         67108864  # 64MB
*       hard    memlock         134217728 # 128MB

# ๐Ÿ”น Allow root unlimited resources
root    soft    nofile          unlimited
root    hard    nofile          unlimited
root    soft    nproc           unlimited
root    hard    nproc           unlimited
root    soft    memlock         unlimited
root    hard    memlock         unlimited

Systemd Limits

System-Wide limits:

/etc/systemd/system.conf     # system wide, all services and users including root
/etc/systemd/user.conf       # user services managed by systemd, started with systemctl --user,  not procs started manually



sudo sysctl -p

May be needed for systemd settings to take effect:

sudo systemctl daemon-reexec  # Reload systemd
sudo reboot  # Required for some changes