Raspberry Pi - How To Disable Bluetooth
If you don’t actually have any bluetooth devices you might want to disable this feature on your Raspberry Pi. We’re going to assume that you are running Raspberry Pi OS.
To disable bluetooth on your Raspberry Pi from the command line, do the following:
- Step 1: Add this line to your /boot/config.txt
sudo echo "dtoverlay=disable-bt" >> /boot/config.txt
- Step 2: Reboot
To disable bluetooth from the desktop you should be able to just click on the bluetooth icon and select “turn off bluetooth”.
Removing Bluetooth packages
You can get a list of packages like this:
dpkg -l|grep -i bluetooth
The remove each of them with a command like this:
sudo apt remove package-name
Raspberry Pi How To Disable Bluetooth
I’ve seen people mention that you should use a slightly different parameter for the Raspberry Pi 3. I haven’t tested this. Note that we are using “pi3-disable-bt” instead of “disable-bt”
- Step 1: Run the following command:
sudo echo "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" >> /boot/config.txt
- Step 2: reboot