How to Use an Android Device to Write Raspberry Pi SD Cards
Hi guys! Today we are going to show you how to use an Android device to write Raspberry Pi SD cards. As it turns out this is very easy to do and this is all thanks to an app called “Pi SD Card Imager” by Mike Redrobe.
Steps to Write Raspberry Pi SD cards from and Android Device:
- Install the app
- Attach SD card reader to your device
- Plug in your SD Card
- Launch the app
- Tap on the dots
- Select “Choose OS”
- Select your OS
- Select your device
- Tap the button to write
- Wait
- Remove the SD card
- Boot your Raspberry Pi with the card
Find the app here:
Things to know:
- This application will actually download the OS for you.
- If your device has an SD card slot, you may or may not be able to use this slot to create a bootable SD card.
Rating and Issues
The average rating for this app is relatively low considering the amazing functionality that it provides. Looking over some of the negative reviews it looks like the main thing that people complain about is the app just not working. These seem to be totally valid complaints. It looks like this app doesn’t always work on all devices. This should really be that much of a surprise. The performance and functionality of any Android app is going to depend on the specific device that it runs on. Since there are so many manufacturers and some many different devices it is easy to see how there might be some inconsistencies with some variations. If you combine that with ever changing and sometimes wonky way in which permisssion are implemented on Android you can see why this might not work for some people. On average this app does seem to work for most people and there is a good chance that it will work for you. You can give it a shot and if it doesn’t work either get a different phone or use a PC. That would be my recommendation at least.