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User is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

This generally means that the user is not setup in the sudoers file. Normally you would fix this by either adding them directly to the /etc/sudoers file or by adding them to a group (in /etc/group) that is setup in the /etc/sudoers file.

Here is a video showing how this is done:

Depending on how your sudoers file is setup you can probably just add a user to the sudo group to grand them sudo access. You could use the following command to add them:

sudo usermod -a -G sudo user1

You could also just edit the group file manually adding an entry that looks like this:

cat /etc/group|grep -i sudo

This is how you might grant permissions to a user by editing the sudoers file directly. This example only shows two lines. The line for root will likely already be there by default. You can add a user named “user1” by adding that second line. Note that the file is much larger, we just aren’t showing the full file here.


user1   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL