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Third Party Review

By Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesome Tech – Hardware Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

Gaming lovers, do you get a real kick out of high – performance sort of networking? I bet that you do. And I bet that you have also played every type of game there is, both including games that you can play solo and also multi – player ones, right? Well, if that is you ( and even if it isn’t, he he he heh, stick around ) , then this mother – board just suit. Check it out, and I am going to introduce you to it in the best way that I can….. still reading?

Now, then, read this full sentence ; heck, read the entire next paragraph, too, while you find yourself so happily at it. And why not? Just read the entire post…..

I will start with this —- ASUS LANGuard comes with it, so networking is the best it’s ever been. You can know that for a fact. Plus, it also comes right with 2.5 Gb Ethernet as well as some nifty on – board Intel of Wi - Fi 6 AX200 ( also 802.11 ax ) . And did you know that it works with some of the most pristine intelligence control of the modern era? I kid you not —- what I am referring to, right here and now, is the very ASUS - exclusive AI Overclocking that comes built into it.

And as if that were not enough, it also includes cooling and networking and ( get this ) noise – cancellation… all ALSO powered by AI. So to make the performance a whole hell of a lot better, and the setup a whole hell of a lot easier, this is what you need! It’s got it. So how about that?

In addition, for the sound, the amplifier that it goes with is not any basic schmo. He heh. It’s a quality amplifier — in fact, you know it’s true because it’s nothing less than a SV3H712 ( and made by the brand of Savitech, which is quite well – known in the tech – gaming industry as well ) . It also works by means of ALC 4080. And not only that, but DTS®’s one and only Sound Unbound sure helps make the magic happen, too, and does its part —- and last but not least, Sonic Studio III plays its role as well. So when you have got so many great setups and brands in place, known for quality audio features, all packed into a single mother – board, how can anything go wrong, folks? My answer : It can’t…. you only get the best.

And with your addressable headers, you can do so much more, too. This mother – board uses them for better “unmatched personalization”, as they call it, and more. So buy now! Or save up for the next birthday present….