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Docker Swarm How To Join

Joining a swarm is easy. Follow these examples to join nodes to your own swarm.

Create Swarm and Grab Tokens for Joining

Swap out any IPs for addresses that you have selected on your own network.

Create new swarm:

docker swarm init --advertise-addr

Get the join command and token for workers:

docker swarm join-token worker       

Get the token to add a manager:

docker swarm join-token manager

Join Example

Use the actual command and token that you save previously. Below is an example of what this would look like. Remember, use YOUR TOKEN, not the exact token that I show in the example below.

Connect to a worker:

ssh worker1

From the worker:

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-05wlarqh76frzmueb8xcz4tgz7i5fj7x8b6ltl1nimsoxfatwx-2ftetfti9nad5c0lnq6ree7s0

Token Rotation

Rotate join tokens ( probably do this every 6 months ):

docker swarm join-token --rotate    
docker swarm join-token --rotate worker