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Docker Cheat Sheet

Docker whale

PDF Version of Docker Cheat Sheet Here

Running Containers

docker run -it ubuntu bash Run container and specify command
docker run -it ubuntu Run container
docker run -tid ubuntu Run container detatched
docker create -ti ubuntu Create a container without starting it
docker run -tid --name smelly-hippo ubuntu named container
docker ps show running containers
docker ps -a show all containers
docker ps --filter name=web1 show matching containers
docker ps --filter name=web1 -q show matching container ID
docker inspect smelly-hippo inspect container

Container Lifecycle Stuff

docker start smelly-hippo start
docker stop smelly-hippo stop
docker stop smelly-hippo funny-frog stop mutliple
docker restart smelly-hippo restart container
docker pause smelly-hippo pauses a running container, freeze in place
docker unpause smelly-hippo unpause a container
docker wait smelly-hippo blocks until running container stops
docker kill smelly-hippo sends SIGKILL, faster than stop
docker rm smelly-hippo remove
docker rm smelly-hippo funny-frog remove multiple
docker rm -f smelly-hippo force remove
docker container rm -f $(docker ps -aq)Remove all containers, running or stopped

Resource Limits and Controls

docker run -tid -c 512 ubuntu 50% cpu
docker run -tid --cpuset-cpus=0,4,6 ubuntu use these cpus
docker run -tid -m 300M ubuntu limit memory
docker create -ti --storage-opt size=120G ubuntu limit storage, not on aufs

Stats, Logs, and Events

docker stats resourse stats for all containers
docker stats smelly-hippo resource stats for one container
docker top smelly-hippo shows processes in a container
docker logs web container logs
docker events watch events in real time
docker port nostalgic_colden shows public facing port of container
docker diff practical_sinoussi show changes to a container's file system

Docker Images

docker images show images
docker history ubuntu show history of image
docker image rm user1/funny-frog remove image
docker image remove 113a43faa138 remove by id
docker image remove user1/funny-frog remove image
docker rmi user1/funny-frog remove image
docker rmi $(docker images -q) remove all images
Commit container to an image:
docker commit smelly-hippo no repo name
docker commit smelly-hippo test1 repo name
docker commit smelly-hippo loworbitflux/test1 repo name
docker commit smelly-hippo loworbitflux/test1:my-update tagged
docker commit smelly-hippo loworbitflux/test1:v1.2.3 tagged

Export / Import / Save / Load

docker export export container to tarball archive stream
docker import create image from tarball, excludes history ( smaller image )
docker load load an image from tarball, includes history ( larger image )
docker save save image to tar archive stream ( includes parent layers )
docker load < my-image.tar.gz
docker save my_image:my_tag | gzip > my-image.tar.gz
cat my-container.tar.gz | docker import - my-image:my_tag
docker export my-container | gzip > my-container.tar.gz

Docker Hub / Registry

docker loginLogin to Registry
docker logoutLogout of Registry
docker tag 7d9495d03763 loworbitflux/smelly-hippo:latestTag an image
docker push loworbitflux/smelly-hippoPush to registry
docker search mysql Search for an image
docker pull mysql Pull it down
docker run user1/funny-frog Will be downloaded if it isn’t here

Building Docker Images From A Dockerfile

mkdir mydockerbuild Create build dir
cd mydockerbuild cd into build dir
vi Dockerfile Edit build instructions
docker build -t mydockerimage . Build the image (note the dot "." )
docker images Show images
docker run mydockerimage Run the new image

Simple Dockerfile Example

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt update
RUN apt install nginx -y
CMD ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]

Big Dockerfile Example

FROM ubuntu base image
RUN apt update run commands while building
RUN apt install nginx -y run commands while building
WORKDIR ~/ working dir that CMD is run from
ENTRYPOINT echo default application
CMD "echo" "Hello docker!" main command / default application
CMD ["--port 27017"] params for ENTRYPOINT
CMD "Hello docker!" params for ENTRYPOINT
ENV SERVER_WORKS 4 set env variable
EXPOSE 8080 expose a port, not published to the host
MAINTAINER authors_name deprecated
LABEL version="1.0" add metadata
LABEL author="User One" add metadata
USER 751 UID (or username) to run as
VOLUME ["/my_files"] sets up a volume
COPY test relativeDir/ copies "test" to `WORKDIR`/relativeDir/
COPY test /absoluteDir/ copies "test" to /absoluteDir/
COPY ssh_config /etc/ssh/ssh_config copy over a vile
COPY --chown=user1:group1 files* /data/ also changes ownership
ADD /dir1 /dir2 like copy but does more ...

Volumes / Storage

docker info | grep -i storage check storage driver
docker inspect web look for “Mounts”
docker volume ls show voluems
docker volume create testvol1 create a volume
docker volume inspect testvol1 inspect a volume
docker volume ls -f dangling=true find dangling ( unused ) volumes
docker volume rm volume1 remove volume
Running containers with volumes:
docker run -d --name test1 -v /data ubuntu unamed volume mounted on /data
docker run -d --name test2 -v vol1:/data ubuntu named volume
docker run -d --name test3 -v /src/data:/data ubuntu bind mount
docker run -d --name test4 -v /src/data:/data:ro ubuntu RO
docker run -d --volumes-from test2 --name test5 ubuntu storage can be shared
docker rm -v test1 remove container and unnamed volume
Access and sharing parameters:
:ro for read only
:z shared all containers can read/write
:Z private, unshared
/var/lib/docker/overlay2 Defalt volume storage location on Ubuntu Linux

Expose Ports

docker run -tid -p 1234:80 nginx expose container port 80 on host port 1234
docker run -tid -p 80:5000 ubuntu bind port
docker run -tid -p 8000-9000:5000 ubuntu bind port to range
docker run -tid -p 80:5000/udp ubuntu udp ports
docker run -tid -p ubuntu bind port on an interface
docker run -tid -p ubuntu bind any port, specific interface
docker run -tid -P ubuntu exposed ports to random ports


docker network ls show networks, bridge is default
docker network inspect bridge show network details and connected containers
Create Bridge Network, Specify Subnet and Gateway:
docker network create -d bridge my-network
docker network create -d bridge --subnet my-network
docker network create --subnet --gateway my-network
docker network rm my-network remove network
Run container and specify network:
docker run -tid --net=my-network --name test1 ubuntu
Run container, specify network and IP:
docker run -tid --net=my-network --ip= --name=test1 ubuntu
Connect container to network:
docker network connect net1 test1
docker network connect net1 test2 --ip
Disconnect container from network:
docker network disconnect net1 test1 Disconnect container from this network
docker network disconnect -f test1 test2 Force disconnect
Find container's IP address:
docker inspect -f '{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks}}' container1
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container1

Docker Cheat Sheet - Image

Click for larger image

Docker Cheat Sheet