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Docker How To Install Packages

These are the commands you would generally use to install a package on a Debian/Ubuntu based system ( nginx as an example ):

sudo apt update -y            # update repo info
sudo apt install nginx -y     # install package

Install Package as Part of Docker Build

Use the following steps to install a package in a docker image and container:

Create a project dir:

mkdir test1
cd test1

Create a docker file:

vi Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu RUN apt update -y RUN apt install nginx -y

Build it:

docker build -t mygoodimage . 

Run your image as a container:

docker run -i -t mygoodimage 

Install Package on Running Container

Launch a shell on a running container named “inspiring_dhawan”:

docker exec -it inspiring_dhawan bash

Update repo and install packages. You normally won’t need sudo since you will be running as root inside the container.

apt update -y           
apt install nginx -y