Machine Learning
Currently this is kind of a stub article outlining some of the areas to be covered.
- Machine Learning Reference 1
- Machine Learning Reference 2
- Machine Learning Reference 3
- Machine Learning Reference 4 <== just starting
- Machine Learning Reference 5
- Machine Learning Reference 6
“signal” or “feedback” based
- Supervised learning
- inputs and outputs
- learn general rule to map them
- examples:
- Image Classification - train with images and labels
- Market Prediction/Regression - train with
- unsupervised learning
- no labels
- needs to find structure
- discovering hidden patterns
clustering population in groups
- Clustering - separate data into clusters
- High Dimension Visualization - visualize high dimension data
Generative Models - captures probability distribution
----- supervised / unsupervised image ------
- Semi-supervised learning
- lot of input data, some of it is labeled
- Reinforcement learning
- rewards and punishments as feedback
Desired Output Based
- Classification ….
- multi-label classification …
- usually supervised …
- Regression
- supervised
- outputs are continuous rather than discrete
—- classification / regression image ———
- Clustering
- inputs divided into groups
- usually unsupervised
- groups not known ahead of time
- Density estimation - distribution of inputs in some space
- Dimensionality reduction
- map inputs into lower dimensional space to simplify
- topic modeling
- Model ( hypothesis ) - representation learned by applying ML algorithms to data
- feature - measurable property of data
- feature vector - set of features, input to a model
feature extractor - extracts relevant features from data
Target (Label) - the value you want to predict
- training
- building a model
- given outputs(labels) and inputs inputs(features)
- prediction
- using a model
- inputs are used to find outputs
—- training / prediction image —-
- computational learning theory
AI research three approaches
- computational psychology
- computational philosophy
- computer science
Types of Agents
- Simple Reflex Agents
- Model-Based Reflex Agents
- Goal-Based Agents
- Utility-Based Agents
- Learning Agent
Example of Supervised Learning Algorithms:
- Linear Regression
- Nearest Neighbor
- Guassian Naive Bayes
- Decision Trees
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Random Forest
Data for unsupervised learning:
- “Unstructured data: May contain noisy(meaningless) data, missing values or unknown data”
- Unlabeled data ( not label / output )
Types of Unsupervised Learning :
- Clustering
- Association
Some unsupervised learning algorithms:
- K-Means Clustering
- DBSCAN – Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
- BIRCH – Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies
- Hierarchical Clustering
Reinforcement Learning:
- Some algorithms:
- Temporal Difference (TD)
- Q-Learning
- Deep Adversarial Networks
- decisions are dependent
Supervised learning algorithm types:
- Classification - puts it in a group
- Regression - assigns a quantity/value Unsupervised learning algorithm types :
- Clustering
- Association